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Patients & Visitors
Patient Focused Care

Wiregrass Medical Center is built for patient focused care. Our patients have access to advanced technology in a hospital specially designed for their treatment and recovery. From admission until discharge, patient care focuses on personal needs, comfort and convenience.

WMC Employment

Wiregrass Medical Center is a 67 acute care bed hospital, a Nursing Home with 96 beds, and a Sr. Care Unit with 16 beds. Being part of the community has been an important goal throughout the years, and with your help and loyalty we can continue to provide health services that you can depend on.

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Community Involvement and Affiliations

Community Involvement:

Job Fairs
Host for Association of Service Agencies
Host Annual Spring Arts & Crafts Festival
Student Job Shadowing Program
Memberships in Civic Organizations
United Way
American Cancer Society Relay for Life
American Cancer Society Breast Cancer Awareness - Mammo Night
Geneva River Festival First Aid Tent
Disaster Plan Awareness
National Walk at Lunch Day
BLS (CPR) Training for Community Agencies
CNA Training
Healthcare Related Scholarships

Educational Affiliations:

Wallace Community College: RN, LPN,
LBWCC - McArthur Campus: LPN, CNA